She seemed dressed in all of me
Stretched across my shame,
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me.
I'd do anything to have her to myself,
Just to have her for myself.
Now I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad.
She is everything to me,
The unrequited dream,
The song that no one sings,
The unattainable.
She's a myth that I have to believe in,
All I need to make it real is one more reason.
I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to do
when she makes me sad.
But I won't let this build up inside of me.
I won't let this build up inside of me.
I won't let this build up inside of me.
I won't let this build up inside of me.
A catch in my throat
Torn into pieces
I won't.
I don't want to be this but
I won't let this build up inside of me (won't let this build up inside of me) x4
She isn't real.
I can't make her real.
She isn't real.
I can't make her real.
> vermilion part 2 lyrics <
ceh...dalam minggu ni ja lpas je lunch lepak dalam setengah jam mesti aku ngantuk selamat la aku ada amalkan petua-petua yg c0klatchip bagi. cayalah br0, k0 punya petua tu mmg btl menjadi, x sia-sia aku angkat k0 yang x berapa berat jadi id0la aku...
tp xde la sampai nk kena lepak kt surau...kaedah dan radas yang aku senang je. ambik buku l0g yang kena tulis ari2 tuh letak atas meja, pastikan tangan tu pegang pensil, pen atau pun pisau baru nmpak buat keje sket...tangan satu lagi dalam p0sisi 90 darjah ke atas dan dagu k0rang pastikan atas tapak tangan tu...
ingat muka tu kena tunduk sket macam c0ncentrate membaca buku l0g tu...senang!!!
tp yang boleh kant0i kaedah ni ialah kalau k0rang berdengkur...sebelum nk buat bnda-bnda nih pastikan k0rang beli benda alah yang dalam tv tu...x bg berdengkur.huhu~
cau sin ci...
Vista Drive Icon, changes the drive icons shown in Windows "My Computer", to a nearly Vista drive icon, showing the drive's free space with a smooth colored horizontal bar.
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7:55 PM
p0st pertama aku untuk bulan disember nih...
ingat nk buat semalam, tp aku penat giler...huh, terpacak je aku kt tepi mesin da mcm jd 0rang2 plak. sakit kaki w000...ari ni da k dah sbb sblm aku g L.I, aku pekena dulu k0pi t0ngkat ali kasi kuat sket yg mn yg da lemah,tp pahit mcm hamid gurgha cakap kalau pahit bukan t0ngkat ali namanye...
ntah mcm mn la member aku buat L.I...c0mpany aku (ewah mcm aku pnya plak) dalam seminggu 4 ari je yg keje, heaven giler...hahah~
nih kalau c0klatchips baca p0st ni mau menyirap + sirap = minum la...
lupa nk bg tau nih list bbdk rmh sewa aku pnya tmpat L.I:
mudasfreakz : m0lex (m)
reas0n: baru m0lek duit elaunnya
c0klatchips : vend0r pr0t0n
reas0n : senang nk beli kete
md lipan bara : elna pcb
reas0n : senang sket nk repair sendiri t.v
p0jie : petr0nas
reas0n : nk minyak free la tuh...
lan klux klux klan : p0rt kt ganu (aku x ingat nm c0mpany)
reas0n : b0leh buat kapal sndiri nnt
murai san : kt sg buluh (aku x ingat nm c0mpany)
reas0n : cita2 dulu nk jd pil0t tp x blh sbb pakai spek
van dam : kt klang (aku x ingat nm c0mpany)
reas0n : misteri...
apa2 pn slamat berL.I untuk bbdk rmah aku nih...h0h0~